Freedom of speech (1)

Ecoutons aujourd’hui les élèves de 3D qui s’expriment librement en anglais. Ils nous expliquent ce qu’ils veulent afin de vivre dans un monde meilleur et nous donnent des conseils pour y parvenir. Vous pourrez bientôt écouter les autres classes de 3è s’exprimer également sur ce sujet.

Théo : To begin with, I want to reduce pollution and racism in our world.

Emma : I agree with you Théo. We should create a “planet day” : once a month we can’t use our car. We should walk or ride a bike.

Raphaël We should be aware of the environmental issues like climate warming. I want to convince people because it’s an important issue.

Gabriel For example, in Marseilles in the south of France, last year in December it was 20 celsius degrees. It’s too hot. It’s not normal.  I want to put an end to pollution. We were born on this earth. We should take care of it. We should clean the oceans and the seas.

Manel  Moreover, I want to stop bullying because I think many kids are bullied at school. We should talk about bullying at school.

Alexis: Yes, bullying destroys lives. I want to stop bullying. I also want sexism to disappear because it’s unfair.

Issam :  Next, I want people to express their opinions without being threatened.

Angèle I agree with you Issam. I don’t want wars of religions. I want people to accept each other and to accept differences. We should accept ourselves.

Léane We should not insult people. We shouldn’t be harmful. We should forbid racism.

Eulalie I want racism not to exist. I want everybody to be equal.

Benjamin I agree with you Eulalie. I want equality to go viral in the world. I want the human rights to be respected everywhere. We should discuss issues.

Nastasia And I want everybody to be happy. We should be free and we should love people.

Léa P I want people to be a better person, a better child, a better sibling, a better pupil. I want people to be more respectful.

Léa G I will repeat the same thing because it’s important. I want people to be respectful. We should respect each other.

Anissa I agree with you. I want people to accept freedom of speech. Communication is the key. We should talk kindly and politely. We should listen to what people say.

Flavie You’re right Anissa. I want people to be free. I want people to express their opinion freely.

Lola  We should not be enemies. I want people to always help others in any circumstances. I want the humans not to be racist. I only want a world where we live peacefully.


I want us to stop judging people based on the colour of their skin, their religion or their gender. We should try to understand ecah other instead of being stubbornly opposed to things that other people can’t even change. In order to get that, we should sign petitions, speak out on the social network, we should inform people, we should watch videos which explain the issue.


Moreover, I want men and women to earn the same salary.  And In order to get a peaceful world, I want people to stop making differences between white and black people. We should try to change racist people’s mind.


I agree with you Sacha. I want to live in a world without discrimination. We should accept people who are from a different community : Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual for example


After that, in order to live in a better world, I want to heal sickness. The coronavirus kills a lot of people every day. This is horrible. It’s not fair for the family who sees someone close dying in front of them without being able to act. We should fight this disease with the barrier gestures. Wear your mask! Keep the distance! Save lives!


So as to live in a better world, I want to get rid of money. Money creates possessions, conflicts and wars. We should share everything we have. We should forgive others.


Yes, we shouldn’t fight for something that we don’t know and that we don’t have.


Finally, we want you to help us. We want to bring about change, to bring peace everywhere we go and we want everybody to be happy without any judgments. Stop egoism, favoritism, racism.


To conclude, we want you to share a peaceful world with us.  We want to heal the planet with you, together.