Dans le cadre de l’EPI aéronautique et dans le cadre du parcours avenir, les élèves de 3è ont eu la chance, lundi 09 décembre 2019, de rencontrer monsieur Kémy Clodion qui finit actuellement sa formation de pilote de ligne chez EasyJet sur A320. Merci encore à lui pour sa venue au collège.

Les élèves lui ont posé des questions en français et en anglais. Bientôt, vous pourrez écouter le reportage préparé par les élèves du club de la Webradio du collège à ce sujet.

En attendant voici déjà quelques impressions d’élèves (de 3G et de 3D) en anglais suite à cette intervention :
Kloé, 3G : His presentation was great. he conveyed his passion for planes to us.
Maël, 3G : What he said really captivated me. It was a dream come true.
Henri, 3G : Kemy has visited many countries thanks to his job despite his young age. He’s only 24.
Alice, 3G : You must be really motivated to become a pilot because you must learn many technical things, and everything is in English!
Mila, 3G : It was really interesting.
Firmin, 3G : you must work hard to become a captain.
Amelyn, 3G : I liked Kemy’s cheerfulness. All his efforts in his professional course were rewarded because he’s going to work for the EsayJet company.
Nazym, 3G : you needn’t do the « BIA » exam (Aeronautics Initiation Certificate) to become a pilot but it’s a really good experience.
Candice, 3G : Flying is a fascinating job! Kemy’s experience was impressive to me.
Jacques, 3G : The most important thing is : never give up if you have got a dream in mind.
Mathilde S, 3D : I didn’t know you can fly if you wear glasses.
Maureen, 3D : I have learnt many pieces of information about how to become a pilot. It was great.
Iléana, 3D : The salary of a pilote is high!
Marie, 3D : We asked a lot of questions in French and in English. It was interesting.
Léa G, 3D : He had to pay a lot for his training but it was the price to become a pilot!
Anaïs B, 3D : Kemy said : « you mustn’t give up your dreams »