We have a new assistant (13-14)

We have a new assistant. Her name is Kendall Kloosterman. She is 21 years old. She was born in Duncan in Canada on June 17th ,1992. She lives in Vancouver and goes to Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. She wants to be a French teacher.

She has got two brothers : Tyson, who is 30 and who is an electrician, and Corey, who is 28 and who works in a restaurant. Her father is 50 . He is a school bus driver. Her mother is 53 and works in an office .She has got one cat called Tigger.

Kendall speaks English and French. She can play the drums and can dance very well. She used to dance 12 hours a week a few years ago.

Her favourite actor is Aaron Paul, her favourite singer is Paul McCartney, her favourite writer is J.K Rowling., her favourite sport is ice hockey, her favourite food is chocolate and her favourite colour is red.

Last summer Kendall went to Seattle. She likes travelling and she would love to go to Australia and South-East Asia.


Nicolas ,4G




Kendall Kloosterman is 21 years old .Her birthday is on June 17th, 1992.She is Canadian. She is from Duncan but she lives in Vancouver.She is not married .

Her father drives a school bus and her mother works in an office. She has two brothers :Tyson, who is 30 years old and Corey, who is 28.She has got one cat called Tigger.

Kendall wants to become a French teacher. She speaks English and French. She likes reading, music, hip hop, sport and ice cream. Her favourite band is the Beatles and her favourite sport is ice hockey. Her favourite actor is Aaron Paul and her favourite actress is Nathalie Portman. Her favourite movie is Star Wars.


Nesrine and Ajar ,5B


 Texte d’ Héloïse 3F